Application of reflectance colour measurement to the estimation of carotene and lutein content in wheat and triticale.


Whole-meal wheat, including both bread and durum varieties, and triticale samples were analysed for their carotenoid content by HPLC, and colour using reflectance spectrophotometry (CIE L*a*b*). A positive correlation between CIE b* (yellowness) and lutein concentration was shown in all wheat groups but was strongest in the durums. There was little correlation between CIE L* (lightness) or CIE a* (redness) and lutein, alpha- or beta-carotene. In contrast, the b* value correlated well with the concentration of alpha- and beta-carotene, and therefore the vitamin A activity, though those wheat groups that did not have a strong correlation were those with the lowest CIE b* values. The durum wheat group had the highest CIE b* value and the highest lutein concentration but a relatively low concentration of beta-carotene.


Journal of Cereal Science (2004) 40 (2) 151-159 [doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2004.07.005]

Application of reflectance colour measurement to the estimation of carotene and lutein content in wheat and triticale.

Published 1 January 2004