An integrated approach to assessing wellbeing. Wellbeing and Poverty Pathways Briefing No. 1


This revised and updated briefing paper introduces the approach to wellbeing assessment being developed and applied by Wellbeing and Poverty Pathways in its three-year research project in Zambia and India.

Key elements of the approach are:

  • A multi-dimensional model of wellbeing: Wellbeing is made up of seven domains that span material, relational and personal factors
  • A new concept of Inner Wellbeing: Subjective perspectives focus on 'Inner Wellbeing': what people feel and think they can do and be
  • An integrated, mixed method approach: Measures of how people are doing objectively complement Inner Wellbeing assessment. Qualitative data and reflection balance quantiative measures and analysis


White, S.; Marshall, N. An integrated approach to assessing wellbeing. Wellbeing and Poverty PathwaysBriefing No. 1. University of Bath, Bath, UK (2013) 4 pp.

An integrated approach to assessing wellbeing. Wellbeing and Poverty Pathways Briefing No. 1

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Published 1 January 2013