An External Review of SciDev.Net: the company and its website


This report describes the findings of a review of SciDev.Net that was commissioned by the organisation's trustees with funds from the Department For International Development.

The review was based on evidence gathered from actual and potential users of the website, www.SciDev.Net, and from interviews and documents from key informants including funders, staff of the organisation, and trustees.

The findings of this review suggest that SciDev.Net's track record and the importance of the services it provides form a strong justification for future funding and continued support by funding agencies and other sponsors.

The report covers SciDev.Net's strengths, weakness and opportunities for growth and development; an assessment of whether the grants have been used effectively; SciDev.Net's opportunities for future growth, and in particular its potential contribution to the social and economic development of developing countries; achievements relative to the objectives listed in both its original business plan and in its Strategic Plan for 2004-2008; and a discussion of improvements in the internal governance of SciDev.Net.

The annexes comprise the Terms of Reference, Achievements relative to the objectives listed in the Strategic Plan for 2004-2008, Principal People Interviewed, Main Supporting Documents, Report of On-line Survey, Report of Telephone Interviews and the Reports of the Indian, South African, Ugandan, Ecuadorian and Chinese Focus Groups.


The Policy Practice Ltd, Brighton, UK, 59 + 109 pp.

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Published 1 January 2006