An Anatomy of Collective Action.


This paper examines a number of ongoing collective actions in Bangladesh in order to identify a preliminary framework for analyzing the process of contemporary collective actions with the objective of addressing the following basic research questions:

  1. Does this process of collective action lead to a more relevant understanding and articulation of rights and claims and a more meaningful concept of citizenship?

  2. To what extent do interests of the different partners in the collective action indicate the emergence of an inclusive concept of citizenship?

  3. Does the process of collective actions allow people to overcome the \"resource\" and \"recognition\" constraints that lead to the non-provision or the violation of their rights and claims?

  4. How equitable are the costs generated and benefits derived from these actions?


BIDS, Bangladehs; BIDS Research Reports Series, 33 pp.

An Anatomy of Collective Action.

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Published 1 January 2001