An analysis of the Somali media environment.

The study examines the state and role of the media and the structures, relationships and practices which characterise the sector


In 2006 the BBC World Service Trust (BBC WST), funded by the UK Department for International Development, conducted research into media in 17 countries across sub-Saharan Africa in order to identify priorities for future media development initiatives. A series of African Media Development Initiative (AMDI) reports were produced, and this Media Sector Analysis builds on the Somalia component of that work. The study examines the state and role of media in Somali society and provides insight into the structures, relationships and practices which currently characterise the sector.


Whitehead, S.; Larking, C.; Abdi, J.; Ibrahim, H.; Otieno, S. An analysis of the Somali media environment. BBC World Service Trust, London, UK (2011) 138 pp.

An analysis of the Somali media environment.

Published 1 January 2011