Agricultural Impact Evaluation is Failing to Measure Up

This briefing highlights measures to stimulate demand for methodological quality in evaluations


New technology that enables sustainable and profitable production of food is critical for both food and nutrition security and economic development. Yet, recent research suggests assessments of the productivity gains farmers realise from new technology are routinely flawed methodologically and hence unreliable as a basis for decision making. As a result, opportunities to support this key aspect of agricultural performance and more equitable benefits from it have been missed. This briefing explains why and highlights measures to stimulate demand for methodological quality in evaluations and reinforce their contribution to strengthening systems of innovation.


Loevinsohn, M. Agricultural Impact Evaluation is Failing to Measure Up. IDS Policy Briefing (2014) Issue 78, 4 pp.

Agricultural Impact Evaluation is Failing to Measure Up

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Published 1 January 2014