Agricultural Extension with the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Bangladesh. A Ten Year Review. Volume 1. 1992-2003. Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) and Agricultural Services Innovation Reform Project (ASIRP)


This review of agricultural extension in Bangladesh comprises the following chapters and annexes:
1. The Training and Visit System in Bangladesh
2. Evaluation of the Training and Visit System
3. Key ASSP Design Features
4. The First Four Years (ASSP - 1992-1995)
5. The Second Four Years (ASSP - 1996-1999)
6. The Third Four Years (ASIRP - 1999-2003)
7. Conclusions
8. The Future
Annex A: Summary of Status of ASSP/ASIRP Introduced Extension Tools
Annex B: Assessment of Implementation Status - REA and NAEP


Anon. Agricultural Extension with the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Bangladesh. A Ten Year Review. Volume 1. 1992-2003. Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) and Agricultural Services Innovation Reform Project (ASIRP). Agricultural Services Innovation Reform Project (ASIRP), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2003) 124 pp.

Agricultural Extension with the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) Bangladesh. A Ten Year Review. Volume 1. 1992-2003. Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP) and Agricultural Services Innovation Reform Project (ASIRP)

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Published 1 January 2003