AgResults Evaluation Design: Nigeria Aflasafe Pilot - Final Report

Presents Abt’s evaluation design for the pilot in Nigeria outlining a randomized control trial to assess the impact of this pilot


This report presents Abt’s evaluation design for the AgResults pilot in Nigeria, outlining a randomized control trial to assess the impact of this pilot, which provides incentives to smallholder maize aggregators to increase the adoption of Aflasafe, a technology which reduces aflatoxin contamination of maize by up to 99%. The pilot is designed to demonstrate a successful model for increasing smallholder adoption of biocontrol technology in Nigeria by reducing barriers to the widespread adoption of Aflasafe through a perunit premium payment for maize verified to contain a high prevalence of Aflasafe. The evaluation was redesigned in a memorandum on January 19, 2017, to propose a quasi-experimental design for evaluation of the pilot and an analysis that will help the evaluators understand the “reach” of AgResults and its potential for being taken to scale.


Abt Associates, “AgResults Evaluation Design: Nigeria Aflasafe Pilot,” Prepared by Abt Associates and Denise Mainville Consulting, Bethesda, Maryland, December 2014.

AgResults Evaluation Design: Nigeria Aflasafe Pilot - Final Report

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Published 30 December 2014