Adaptive Social Protection Independent Evaluation of the World Bank ASP programme

The purpose of this report was to conduct a system-level evaluation of the World Bank Adaptive Social Protection programme


The purpose of this report was to conduct a system-level evaluation of the World Bank Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) programme with the objective to identify some lessons and recommendations for the current ASP programme and any future extension of the programme. More specifically the aim was to provide the UK Department for International Development – which commissioned the evaluation- and the leading implementing agency of the programme (the World Bank) with a clearer understanding of the potential and effective contribution of ASP programming in general and the ASP programme in particular in strengthening the overall capacities of national institutions to reinforce the resilience of households to climate-change and disaster-related shocks and stressors in the Sahel.


Adaptive Social Protection Independent Evaluation of the World Bank ASP programme: Summary Report of the Evaluation of the ASP programme in four countries of the Sahel and Key Recommendations for decision-makers (2019)

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Published 30 June 2019