Access to Water and Sanitation in the Peri-Urban Interface of Metropolitan Regions: Formal and Informal Practices.


Between February and April 2004, researchers involved in project R8137 undertook 10-day visits to the 5 case studies covered by the project: Chennai (India), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Cairo-Giza (Egypt), Mexico City (Mexico) and Caracas (Venezuela). The findings from these workshops are summarized in this article, and a table provides an overview of the different formal and informal practices through which peri-urban dwellers gain access to water.

This paper can also be downloaded from The Development Planning Unit website.


Development Planning Unit. Access to Water and Sanitation in the Peri-Urban Interface of Metropolitan Regions: Formal and Informal Practices. University College, London, UK (2004)

Access to Water and Sanitation in the Peri-Urban Interface of Metropolitan Regions: Formal and Informal Practices.

Published 1 January 2004