Access to safe water for the bottom of pyramid: strategies for disseminating technology research benefits. Consultation Summary, March 2011


One day consultation workshops on \"Access to Safe Water for the Bottom of Pyramid: Strategies for Disseminating Technology Research Benefits\" were organised in Bengaluru on 4th March 2011 and Mumbai on 8th March 2011. The consultations were primarily sharing and learning events on the current concepts and literature on nanotechnologies of water purification in India initiatives to promote nanotechnologies in the waters sectors while attaining poverty alleviation. The consultations saw active participations from both industry as well as academic players. The purpose of the workshops was to initiate dialogue with the participants to:
1. Arrive at a consensus on market and policy barriers affecting large scale roll out of nanotechnologies in the water sector to the bottom of pyramid market in India
2. Prioritise action and initiatives to promote nanotechnologies in the water sector while attaining poverty alleviation and MDGs in the developing world.

The report lists the key issues, presents the results of the consultations and highlights the key learnings. Annexes (as separate attachments) comprise the agenda, participants list, presentations and a background note.


Development Alternatives Group, New Delhi, India, 23 pp. + annexes

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Published 1 January 2011