Acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

This review assessed the determining factors for acceptance and adoption among consumers and producers


Biofortification of staple crops is a promising strategy for increasing the nutrient density of diets in order to improve human health. The willingness of consumers and producers to accept new crop varieties will determine whether biofortification can be successfully implemented.

This review assessed sensory acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops and the determining factors for acceptance and adoption among consumers and producers in low- and middle-income countries.

Sensory acceptability was the most common topic of the studies, followed by determinants of acceptance and adoption. Of crops included in the studies, sweet potato and maize were the most studied, whereas rice and pearl-millet were the least investigated. Overall, sensory acceptance was good, and availability and information on health benefits of the crops were the most important determinants of acceptance and adoption.

Changes to the sensory qualities of a crop, including changes in color, did not act as an obstacle to acceptance of biofortified crops. Future studies should look at acceptance of biofortified crops after they have been disseminated and introduced on a wide-scale.

This work is an output of the HarvestPlus Programme. The Department for International Development is one of the main donors for HarvestPlus.


Talsma, Elise F., Alida Melse-Boonstra, and Inge D. Brouwer. 2017. Acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Nutrition Reviews 75 (10): 798-829.

Acceptance and adoption of biofortified crops in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

Published 14 September 2017