A Value for Money Perspective Applied to Global Health Initiative Market Shaping Activities. Final Report.


This study was commissioned to assess available evidence on the market impact of selected Global Health Initiatives (GHIs). The purpose of the study is to determine whether, and in what way, GHIs have contributed to the development of a robust market for global health technologies, generating increased supply security, cost savings and increased innovation. The primary audiences will be global health initiatives having impact on the markets for health technologies and current/future donors to these GHIs. This study will provide an important tool to inform DFID’s engagement with GHIs (including participation in boards and policy committees). It will also feed into the DFID multilateral review, and inform the performance frameworks that DFID agrees with GHIs.

Section one of this report describes the background and purpose, defining the study scope, and methodology. Section two presents an overview and conceptual framework. Section three focuses on disease specific findings for TB, long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs), antiretrovirals (ARV) and vaccines.


Grace, C. A Value for Money Perspective Applied to Global Health Initiative Market Shaping Activities. Final Report. HLSP, London, UK (2010) 42 pp.

A Value for Money Perspective Applied to Global Health Initiative Market Shaping Activities. Final Report.

Published 1 January 2010