A Synthesis of Urban and Peri-urban Agricultural Research Commissioned by the RNRSS Programme


The purpose of this cross-programme synthesis study on urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) was to distil the experiences and lessons learned by the different RNRRS programmes emphasising common areas and issues and identify challenges ahead. Its aim was not to produce a retrospective synthesis of the 11-year Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS), but rather to provide a link into future DFID research strategies which might assist programme managers in research identification and prioritisation.

The study is structured in the following way: review of context; contribution of RNRRS to defining potential and constraints; contributions to improve the potential of UPA; and conclusions and outlook.


16 pp.

A Synthesis of Urban and Peri-urban Agricultural Research Commissioned by the RNRSS Programme

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Published 1 January 2006