A synthesis of peri-urban research of Kumasi, Hubli-Dharwad and Kolkata PUIs.


This synthesis cuts across several studies of peri-urban interfaces supported by DFID's Natural Resources Systems Programme (NRSP) of the RNRRS programme of research, comparing, contrasting, and bringing together findings that would otherwise remain unrelated and invisible. It is particularly concerned with the effects of urbanisation on the livelihoods of poor rural people and the potential for making changes in their livelihoods. It reports new knowledge needed in the formulation of policy that aims to affect poverty and productivity associated with the transition from rural to urban living. The PUI is not a homogenous area but a fragmented mosaic of changing resource flows arising as a consequence of urbanisation and offering both opportunities and threats for people living in this space that change over time. The opportunities and threats are not evenly spread either within the PUI space or between the people inhabiting the PUI, creating both winners and losers.


Gregory, P. 2005. A synthesis of peri-urban research of Kumasi, Hubli-Dharwad and Kolkata PUIs. Annex B of the Final Technical Report of project R8491. London: Development Planning Unit, University College London. 131 pp.

A synthesis of peri-urban research of Kumasi, Hubli-Dharwad and Kolkata PUIs.

Published 1 January 2005