A preliminary investigation into the effects of the thinning components of TPTI using the SYMFOR simulation model


The Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting System (TPTI) is the formal silvicultural system used in the management of natural production forest in Indonesia. Within the TPTI regulation, thinning activities are implemented to accelerate the growth of individuals of commercial species by removing their competitors. The limiting factor of any thinning assessment as a long term investment has been the lack of accurate predictive capacity. In the case study described here, a preliminary investigation is made into the effects of thinning on a stand according to TPTI, using SYMFOR to conduct simulations. Two scenarios are compared: a conventionally-logged stand, and a stand that is both conventionally logged and thinning according to TPTI.


17pp. The University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, UK.

A preliminary investigation into the effects of the thinning components of TPTI using the SYMFOR simulation model

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Published 1 January 2002