A Food Composition Table for Central and Eastern Uganda


This FCT represents a compilation of existing and imputed food composition data for foods commonly consumed in Central and Eastern Uganda. The food items included in the FCT were derived from two dietary intake surveys conducted in 84 selected communities from 3 districts in the Central and Eastern regions of Uganda among women and children 6 months to 7 years of age. Thus, the foods represent 100 percent of the energy and nutrient intakes of the individuals surveyed and are broadly representative of the foods consumed in these regions. The primary source of food composition data for was the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.


Hotz, C.; Abdelrahman, L.; Sison, C.; Moursi, M.; Loechl, C. A Food Composition Table forCentral and Eastern Uganda. (2012) 31 pp. HarvestPlus Technical Monograph 9, ISBN 978-0-9818176-2-0

A Food Composition Table for Central and Eastern Uganda

Published 1 January 2012