48 Nuevas Ideas para Agricultores Bolivianos.


This book contains 48 fact sheets (in Spanish) written during 4, five-day courses held in October and November 2005. The training was given by Boa and Bentley under FIT-22, a project by ATICA and the Global Plant Clinic. The introduction is given in both English and Spanish.

Each fact sheet was written by one técnico, and offers practical solutions to farmers' problems. Each describes a technology and is organised in three parts: the problem, basic facts, and a solution. The technologies are linked to PITAs (applied technological innovation projects) funded by the four Bolivian agricultural technology development foundations. The technologies address pests and diseases and other agronomic topics, including post-harvest storage and seeds. They incorporate scientific, technical and local knowledge and are a pragmatic blend of what works.


ClínicaGlobal de Plantas, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 55 pp.

48 Nuevas Ideas para Agricultores Bolivianos.

Published 1 January 2006