Check the HS2 route

You can check maps to see the planned routes for the High Speed Two (HS2) rail network.

The routes for Phase 1 and Phase 2a have been confirmed. The plan for Phase 2b is not confirmed but is unlikely to change significantly.

You may be able to claim compensation if your property’s affected by HS2, for example you cannot sell your house at full market value because it’s near the route.

Phase 1 - London to the West Midlands

Check the latest map for the HS2 Phase 1 route.

This route has been confirmed.

You can view:

  • a map of the whole London to West Midlands route
  • detailed maps of specific sections of the route

Phase 2a - West Midlands to Crewe

Check the latest maps for the proposed HS2 Phase 2a route.

You can view detailed maps of specific sections of the route.

Phase 2b - Crewe to Manchester and West Midlands to Leeds

Check the latest maps for the proposed HS2 Phase 2b route.  

This route has not been confirmed yet and may change.

There are 2 proposed ‘legs’ to the Phase 2 route.

On the maps you can view the:

  • eastern leg - proposed route from the West Midlands to Leeds
  • western leg - proposed route from Crewe to Manchester