Automatic pension credits for men born before 6 October 1953

If you’re a man born before 6 October 1953, you might get credits towards your basic State Pension for tax years when you were aged 60 to 64.

You’re eligible if you’re a man born before 6 October 1953 and one of the following applied during tax years when you were aged 60 to 64:

  • you weren’t working
  • you weren’t earning enough to pay or be treated as paying National Insurance contributions

If this applies to you, you should add the years as shown in the table to your result from the State Pension calculator.

Credits to add Add credits for tax years when you were aged
Born before 6 October 1950 5 years 60 to 64
Born before 6 October 1951 4 years 61 to 64
Born before 6 October 1952 3 years 62 to 64
Born before 6 July 1953 2 years 63 to 64
Born before 6 October 1953 1 year 64

You should not count these credits for tax years when you were out of the UK for more than 6 months or self-employed and paying Class 2 National Insurance contributions.

The lower age limit is gradually increasing in line with women’s State Pension age.