Enzai: AI Model Inventory

Case study from Enzai.

Background & Description

Enzai’s AI Model Inventory helps organisations to effectively manage their AI governance needs and ensure that they are in continuous compliance with evolving government regulations and industry standards. It functions as a tool for organisations to collate and manage their AI model usage by compiling all AI models they use in one place, with all the relevant information necessary for efficient AI governance. The AI Model Inventory has been designed to make it as easy as possible for businesses to upload their AI models - whether they have half a dozen or a thousand - using an intuitively designed product interface and a dedicated proprietary API.

The AI Model Inventory functions as the central database for Enzai’ s AI governance offering. Once an organisation has put all its models onto the platform, compliance with any AI policy can be assessed. The tool is intended to help organisations simplify their AI compliance by compiling all the AI they use into one easily accessible database, thus promoting the highest possible level of governance.

Relevant Cross-Sectoral Regulatory Principles

Safety, Security and Robustness

Ensuring that organisations’ AI usage is secure, safe and robust is the core function of Enzai’s AI Model Inventory. The first step in making sure that an organisation’s AI complies with regulatory requirements is having a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of how and where it uses AI. The Model Inventory does this by collating all necessary information for each AI model an organisation employs.

Appropriate Transparency & Explainability

By centralising all relevant information about the AI models an organisation is using, Enzai’s AI Model Inventory tool furthers the transparency of an organisation’s AI usage, especially because this information is rarely organised comprehensively within a business. This information is accessible through the tool to all the relevant stakeholders for each organisation, which increases its explainability.


Fairness is assessed in terms of bias, comprising equal or equitable treatment and outcomes. The AI Model Inventory provides the first stage in ensuring an organisation’s AI usage is fair by compiling all of the necessary data in one place. This includes model metadata, such as when it was created, by whom and where, as well as information on the purpose of the model and its sources of data. This information can then be assessed for fairness, alongside other relevant criteria.

Accountability and governance

The act of centralising all relevant information about an organisation’s AI usage acts as an accountability device in itself. Enzai’s AI Model Inventory tool also acts to further AI governance by providing a means by which AI usage can be overseen, checked for compliance, and modified if necessary.

Why we took this approach

Enzai strongly believes in the ability of standards and regulations to ensure that powerful technologies such as AI are used for good. The need for humans to oversee these incredible systems has never been greater and a strong governance structure is essential for oversight to be effective. The AI Model Inventory tool was developed to further this aim since it is a pivotal first step towards adequate AI governance for an organisation to compile all of their AI model usage as well as relevant data in one, easily accessible location.

Benefits to the organisation using the technique

Enzai’s AI Model Inventory provides an organisation with a holistic overview of their entire AI usage. This includes setting out all of the models which they employ, as well as connecting these with all the relevant data through the proprietary API. This is the crucial first step in ensuring full compliance with all necessary regulations and the highest possible governance standards. It provides greater visibility and accountability to an organisation’s AI usage and aids in increasing the robustness and effectiveness of governance and compliance activities.

Limitations of the approach

Enzai’s AI Model Inventory alone cannot ensure that an organisation meets its regulatory requirements. It is only one essential step of this process. Enzai has developed further tools (specifically, the Policy Centre, Governance Hub, and Compliance Assessment tools) which when used in conjunction with the Model Inventory allow an organisation to achieve the highest possible governance standards.



Further AI Assurance Information

Published 12 December 2023