Take goods temporarily out of Great Britain
When you return to Great Britain
You should decide how you want to declare your items before you travel.
When you return to Great Britain, go through:
- the green ‘nothing to declare’ channel if you’re making a declaration by conduct
- the red ‘goods to declare’ channel if you’re making an oral declaration, or use the red point phone
Check what to do if you’re using an ATA Carnet.
If you’re a haulier, a freight forwarder or a driver
You might need to show your goods at an inland border facility if you’re returning through the Port of Dover, Eurotunnel or Holyhead and any of the following apply:
- you’re ending a Common Transit Convention (CTC) movement (also known as ‘ending transit’) - unless you’re using an Authorised Consignor or Consignee (ACC)
- your goods need to be inspected - check using this tool
- you need to have your ATA Carnet stamped
- you need to present a CITES permit
Find out what to do when attending an inland border facility.
Claiming Returned Goods Relief
Claim Returned Goods Relief when making your declaration.
Customs might ask you to prove that the goods were previously in the UK.
Proof could be a receipt that shows where you bought the item, or your customs documents.