Transparency data

Cabinet Office total Departmental spending 201516 to 202021

Updated 27 August 2020
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2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
 £000 Outturn Outturn Outturn Outturn Outturn Plans
Resource DEL Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Maintain the integrity of the Union, coordinate the security of the realm and sustain a flourishing democracy 67,652 90,984 91,458 128,539 116,673 83,010
Support the design and implementation of HM Government ’s policies and the Prime Minister’s priorities 66,405 80,685 129,250 190,694 236,481 472,159
Ensure the delivery of the finest public services by attracting and developing the best public servants and improving the efficiency of Government 125,966 188,820 187,034 203,899 252,082 179,753
Ensure the effective running of the Department and contribute to the Government ’s cross-cutting priorities 70,088 71,267 216,421 82,075 49,096 121,752
Government Property Agency - Executive agency 23,165 25,114 33,265
Arm's length bodies (net) 17,950 18,646 13,305 1,817 19,492 20,561
Elections 99,509 47,706 116,790 -291 289,767
UK members of the European Parliament 2,433 2,145 2,038 2,116 2,832
Cabinet Office CFER -82 -128 -131 -140 -137
Total resource DEL 449,921 500,125 756,165 631,874 991,537 910,363
Of which: Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Staff costs 180,028 214,159 341,780 413,508 599,130
Purchase of goods and services 333,217 318,520 463,757 553,700 530,385 1,680,519
Income from sales of goods and services -126,628 -111,478 -74,927 -375,553 -159,293 -330,412
Current grants to local Government (net) 30,376 33,919 39,833 17,896 32,944 10,302
Current grants to persons and non-profit bodies (net) 12,798 3,589 3,811 1,225 1,876 2,232
Current grants abroad (net) 1,531 -493
Subsidies to public corporations
Rentals 13,115 19,152 30,650 -7,408 -48,437 -13,042
Depreciation 19,219 22,272 34,917 51,528 45,267 71,726
Other resource -12,204 -8 -85,187 -22,529 -10,335 -510,962
Resource AME 449,921 500,125 756,165 631,874 991,537 910,363
Cabinet Office AME 2,646 -4,885 13,975 -1,411 1,766 95
Government Property Agency - Executive agency - (AME) -14,374 -1,749 7,600
Total resource AME 2,646 -4,885 13,975 -15,785 17 7,695
Of which: Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Depreciation 2,974 -118 -846 -1,093 338 1,095
Take-up of provisions 5,057 -128 15,518 -14,197 1,976 6,600
Release of provision -1,164 -4,583 -697 -495 -614
Other resource -4,221 -56 -1,683
Total resource budget 452,567 495,240 770,140 616,089 991,554 918,058
Of which: Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Depreciation 22,193 22,154 34,071 50,435 45,605 72,821