Transparency data

Average number of persons employed

Updated 27 August 2020
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Operating segment Permanently employed staff Commissioners Others 2019-20 Total 2018-19 Total
Maintain the integrity of the Union, coordinate the security of the realm and sustain a flourishing democracy 635 1 636 554
Support the design and implementation of HM Government ’s policies and the Prime Minister’s priorities 1,452 92 1,544 1,472
Ensure the delivery of the finest public services by attracting and developing the best public servants and improving the efficiency of Government 5,148 348 5,496 4,721
Deliver excellent corporate services, make Cabinet Office a great place to work, and create a Department that better represents the people and places it serves 238 22 260 229
Government Property Agency 101 36 137 127
Arm’s Length Bodies 199 12 18 229 30
Staff engaged on capital projects 61 16 77 111
Total 7,834 12 533 8,379 7,244
Of which: Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Core Department 7,715 497 8,212 7,087
Executive Agency 101 36 137 127
Other designated bodies 18 12 30 30
Total 7,834 12 533 8,379 7,244