World news story

William Hague welcomes formation of new Israeli government

British Foreign Minister William Hague has welcomed the formation of the new Israeli Government.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
William Hague

In a statement yesterday (17 March) William Hague said:

I welcome the formation of the new Israeli Government. I warmly congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu on his second consecutive term in office at this important time in Israel’s history. We look forward to working with his new Government to further develop our strong bilateral relations and to advance our successful partnerships in areas such as trade, security, science, technology and higher education.

As I have said previously, there is no more urgent foreign policy priority in 2013 than making progress towards achieving the two-state solution. I have urged the United States to lead international efforts to revive the peace process and pledged that the UK will spare no effort in mobilising European Union and Arab states behind decisive moves for peace. I welcome President Obama’s visit to the region next week. I call on Prime Minister Netanyahu, and President Abbas, to demonstrate leadership and courage in working with the international community to secure the peace which is so strongly in the interests of both Israelis and Palestinians.

Notes to editor

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Published 18 March 2013