World news story

UK-India child protection workshops in Delhi

The UK’s NCA- CEOP Command will be running a series of child protection workshops across India in February 2015.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA)’s Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) Command will be running a series of child protection workshops across India during February 2015. The workshops in New Delhi, in collaboration with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the British School and the British Council will run from 23-27 February. In Mumbai and Pune, the workshops are scheduled from 14-22 February.

Funded by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), this activity aims to share knowledge and raise awareness of some of the emerging trends and key issues surrounding child sexual exploitation. The project aims to strengthen the UK’s relationship with India tackling the mutual threat of online crime – particularly in the area of internet-enabled child sexual exploitation.

Since 2006, NCA-CEOP has handled numerous cases involving offences being committed in India and the surrounding countries. These cases include both UK nationals offending overseas but also a number of Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani nationals, resident in those respective countries and offending against UK victims over the internet.

Through working with partners in India, the NCA wants to contribute to making the country more hostile to child sex offenders, in turn making children in the region and in the UK safer. Currently, four states in India are providing free laptops to all children through schools, but these are not accompanied by safety messaging and there have been reports in India of extortion and blackmail through self-generated imagery. This project will support the development of a safer online community across India and aims to build on existing operational cooperation and safeguarding partnerships.

While in India, NCA-CEOP is partnering with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), the Rotary Club of Pune Gandhi Bhavan RID 313, local charity Prerana, Nahar International School Mumbai, the British School New Delhi and the British Council, to create a comprehensive online safety awareness program run by local and international trainers. This will be delivered to law enforcement officers, child protection professionals, charities, schools and government agencies within India.

The program is designed to empower children and young people in India to better protect themselves from a number of risks in both online and offline, including sexual exploitation and abuse, improve our partnerships with Indian law enforcement and make India a more hostile place for child sex offenders.

Workshops in Delhi:

  • 23-25 February: Best Practice & Achieving Best Evidence Training at the CBI Training College Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
  • 26-27 February: Safeguarding Children Training at the British School, New Delhi

Workshops in Mumbai:

Workshops in Pune:

Further information:

  • for information on NCA-CEOP, UK please email press office or call National Crime Agency press office on 020 7979 5835

  • the National Crime Agency (NCA) is a UK crime-fighting agency with national and international reach and the mandate and powers to work in partnership with other law enforcement organisations, to bring the full weight of the law to bear in cutting serious and organised crime.

  • the NCA’s CEOP Command works with child protection and law enforcement partners within the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.
  • the International Child Protection Network (ICPN) brings together experts from all walks of life to share expertise, build knowledge and limit offender opportunity. The ICPN is active in many parts of the world where it has worked to build up partnerships and knowledge and where, from experience, we know that children have been targeted, in particular by offenders travelling from the UK.

  • since initiating the ICPN in 2010, the CEOP Command has directly trained over 2,010 multi-sector professionals across Europe, South and Southeast Asia by delivering child safeguarding workshops and awareness raising sessions. Officers from CEOP have also directly trained over 420 law enforcement professionals through the delivery of courses to enhance knowledge and understanding on the threat area including investigation skills for cases of child sexual exploitation and abuse.

  • The NCA is a member of the Virtual Global Taskforce which also includes the Australian Federal Police, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Italian National Postal and Communication Police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Interpol.

Stuart Adam, Head,
Press and Communications
British High Commission, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021
Tel: 44192100; Fax: 24192411

Mail to: Upendra Singh

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Published 13 February 2015