World news story

UK Advanced Command and Staff Course students in Georgia

British Ambassador Alexandra Hall Hall will host a reception to welcome students from the UK Advanced Command and Staff Course (ACSC) to Georgia.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

ACSC is a one year course for Majors, Lieutenant Colonels and Defence Civil Servants, which exposes the students to a wide variety of defence and wider security issues at the operational and strategic level. There are 300 students each year, of whom 100 are international and the study is a mixture of academic lessons, research and essays, syndicate and seminar study, key note speeches and visits.

One part of the course is dedicated to the study of wider - European regional security and as part of this phase the course splits up into 6 groups and visits different countries to gain knowledge and experience of those issues which impact that country. As a result, 50 students and staff will go to Ireland, France, Germany, Turkey, and Finland and are for the first time ever, in Georgia.

During their week in Georgia, the students will have meetings at the Georgian Defence Ministry; visit the Krtsanisi Training Centre and National Defence Academy in Gori; meet civil society representatives; participate in discussions on Georgia’s EU and NATO aspirations and call on the European Monitoring Mission Field Office in Gori.

Ambassador Hall Hall said on ACSC visit to Georgia: “I am delighted to be hosting this group of students here in Georgia. They have a very full and wide ranging programme and I am confident their week here will be very fruitful. Georgia has a lot to offer, both from experience and ongoing progress”.

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Published 14 January 2014