World news story

Support to unifying court practice in Macedonia

British Embassy works with judiciary stakeholders in Macedonia for improving use of court practice for consistent application of law.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Seminar on unifying court practice in Macedonia

Seminar on unifying court practice in Macedonia

How unified court practice could help judiciary and people who use its services in having consistency are the central topics of the training held in Skopje 7-8 March with representatives of the judiciary in Macedonia. The need to explore the issue of unified court practice stems from the necessity of the Macedonian courts to use the standards and principles of the European Court of Human Rights case law in their rulings and arguments. Unified court practice could help in consistency of rulings when they pertain to identical or similar offences in identical or similar circumstances.

Our ambassador Charles Garrett shared the panel at the official opening of the seminar with Macedonian Justice Minister Adnan Jashari and Judge Aneta Arnaudovska, Director of the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors. He said:

Rule of law and democratic development go hand in hand. Together they are the basis for society to develop as a fair environment for all its citizens to prosper. Through this project we are supporting the promotion of consistency in the application of law in Macedonia, which is essential if everyone operating in the judicial system and everyone using the judicial system is to have confidence in it.

Judge Korner and Judge Ockelton from the Judicial College of London deliver the seminar in Skopje on 7-8 March with participants from the Macedonian judiciary. The seminar is organized by the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors, in cooperation with the Center for Legal Research and Analysis and UK’s Judicial College. It is part of the programme assistance the British Embassy provides for unifying court practice in Macedonia.

British Embassy Skopje runs a range of programme assistance in Macedonia providing support in several reform areas with judiciary, human rights, democracy, media and civil society.

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Published 8 March 2016