World news story

London Ambassadors Conference: 100 Years Later

Ambassador Yvon gives opening remarks to an international conference in Skopje on Balkan geopolitics.

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London Ambassadors Conference: 100 Years Later

Ambassador Yvon gives opening remarks to an international conference in Skopje on Balkan geopolitics.

Perspectives on the last one hundred years of change in Balkan politics was at the heart of discussions at an international scientific conference: “London Ambassadors Conference (1913-2013) One Century Later: How Balkan Geopolitics has changed” organised on 21 November in Skopje by the South East European University.

Our Ambassador Christopher Yvon spoke at the official opening of the conference and shared the panel with Dr. Zamir Dika, Rector of the South East European University, Blerim Reka, Prorector for Research and International Relations and Dennis Farrington, President of the Board of the South East Europe University.

In his remarks Ambassador Yvon said

If you look back a century ago you will find that the UK had a profound and wide interest in seeing stability in the Balkans. Today, the United Kingdom remains one of the strongest supporters of the region in terms of seeing Western Balkans countries all achieve their rightful place along the pathway of EU and NATO integration. The driving motivation for this is our interest in enhancing security and prosperity in the region.

Speakers at the conference included university professors and experts from Macedonia and other countries in the Balkan region as well as distinguished academics from the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Published 21 November 2013