World news story

Launch of open data tools in Macedonia

British Embassy provides support to developing tools to be used by civil society for increasing knowledge and usage of open data.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Launch of tools for open data in Macedonia.

Ambassador Garrett speaks at launch of tools for open data in Macedonia.

The value of open data for increasing transparency of government institutions, for civil society and citizen engagement, prosperity and the positive influence it can have on everyday life of citizens were among the key messages sent at the Thursday launch of another resource within the open data programme that the British Embassy supports. Civil society organisations are able now to receive support for running projects based on usage of open data which in return would increase the usage of open data resource and improve civil society capacities in the open data area.

Our ambassador Charles Garrett and representatives of Metamorphosis Foundation Bardhyl Jashari and Dona Dzambaska spoke about opportunities that usage of open data offers for civil society and citizens.

Ambassador Charles Garrett said:

We in the UK have had very positive experience in the work on open data. Empowering the civil society to request data relevant to public policies and actions is essential for democratic governance. With that importance voters can know governments and municipalities are elected, check the truth of what they say, properly and fully participate in consultation and policy-making. I hope that we will be able to share some of our experience, what we have learned and the benefits that we have enjoyed, that you will see them too.

This project aims to increase capacities of the civil society stakeholders but also develop resources to underpin the use of open data and improve its usage. In line with the Open Government Partnership agenda, this programme supports building capacity of selected number of civil society organisations and champions who will familiarise with the Open Government Partnership agenda.

Implementation of the programme is supported by the British Embassy Skopje in the period of May 2014-May 2016 and it is being run by Open Data Civil Society Network, Open Knowledge Foundation and Metamorphosis Foundation.

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Published 6 June 2015