World news story

Integrating Diversity in Early Childhood Development in Macedonia

British Embassy support for the integration of diversity and multiculturalism into the early childhood development system in Macedonia.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Integrating Diversity in Early Childhood Development in Macedonia

Launch of project support for the integration of diversity and multiculturalism into the early childhood development system in Macedonia.

Developing respect for cultural, ethnic and religious diversities in the early years of childhood development is the main goal of the programme assistance that the British Embassy launched on 20 December in Skopje along with the office of UNICEF in Macedonia and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by our Ambassador Christopher Yvon, Ibrahim Ibrahimi Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Dr. Bertrand Desmoulins, UNICEF Representative in Macedonia to mark the start of the two-year project.

Speaking at the project launch, Ambassador Yvon said:

Early child development is a topic close to my heart as I can see how my own daughter thrives from her experiences through attending a state kindergarten in Macedonia every day. She will be exposed all the time to such a wide array of diversity and this will enrich her own learning experience. I am a huge believer in the power of diversity, since the country that I represent is full of examples where we see diversity as an opportunity rather a risk and as a strength rather than a threat.

The project involves work with kindergartens in Macedonia, through collaboration with teachers, children and parents. Aspects of multiculturalism and diversity will be integrated into the national curricula, the inspection framework and help guide monitoring tools which are mandatory for all kindergartens and early childhood development centers across the country.

The UK Government funded project will be implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Macedonia in cooperation with the office of UNICEF in Macedonia.

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Published 20 December 2013