World news story

Helping initiatives in Macedonia for preparing young leaders

British Embassy Skopje supports youth initiatives in Macedonia which gather international participants in preparing future leadership.

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Sharing experiences on leadership to international participants.

Ambassador Christopher Yvon delivering a lecture on leadership to participants at the leaders institute.

At a Preparing Global Leaders Institute event held in Macedonia, British Ambassador Christopher Yvon shared his own personal experiences and thoughts on leadership. Each year the Institute gathers participants from countries around the world, who attend lectures and workshops organised by diplomats, politicians and experts on leadership studies.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony event, Ambassador Yvon said:

I congratulate all those who are graduating this evening and commend you on the dedication, commitment and enthusiasm you have shown. I hope you will take away experiences that will last you a lifetime. Leadership starts with a deep reflection from within and the ability to generate a compelling vision. Then comes engagement with others in order to inspire shared leadership and common goals. And finally the delivery and implementation, so that the results of true leadership can be realised. I wish you every success in the future for your own personal ambitions.

Ambassador Yvon also joined members of the Institute in awarding certificates to the participants that successfully completed the summer school.

The class of participants at the Preparing Global Leaders Institute 2013 included participants from 13 different countries.

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Published 26 August 2013