World news story

European business leaders at the British Residence

On 26 May, guests came at the British Residence to celebrate with the finalists of the European Business Awards sponsored by RSM

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

During the welcome reception at the British Residence, in the run up to the main award ceremony, European Business Awards finalists had the opportunity to network and share views about promoting enterpreneurship. They exchanged innovative ideas and views about drivers to success. 10 Greek businesses are amongst the 100 Ruban D’Honeur finalists, which is the highest number from the Greek business community since the launch of European Business Awards.

100 Ruban D’Honeur recipients (finalists) and 30 National Public Champions will gather at a gala event reception at the Westin Astir Palace hotel in Athens in the evening of 27 May where the European Public Champions will be announced.

The 2014 event takes place in Athens over 2 full days and will attract an audience of business leaders ,academics and media representatives from across Europe.

British Ambassador John Kittmer said:

As Greece emerges from recession, it needs to nurture confidence and pride in its own business sector. I was proud to host a few months ago the Greek finals of the European Business Awards where I met many great companies and great people realising great business ideas.

I strongly hope that the publicity from the two-day proceedings will have a big impact on the confidence of Greek firms, encouraging Greek businesses to trade in world markets and think internationally.

Jean Stephens, CEO of RSM International, commented

The aim of these awards is to promote and showcase business excellence and to help create a stronger European business community. The extraordinary entrepreneurialism, innovation and business success illustrated by this year’s finalists shows what can be achieved in challenging market conditions.

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European Business Awards sponsored by RSM and supported by UKTI as its European Sponsor, is an organisation aiming at supporting the development of a stronger and more successful business community throughout Europe. Since its launch in 2006, the European Business Awards has established itself as the ultimate platform for outstanding businesses in Europe and is designed to celebrate exceptional results across a variety of categories, showcasing the best in the business.

UKTI is the UK Government Department that helps UK based companies succeed in the global economy, and assists overseas companies to bring their high quality investment to the UK.The European Business Awards, sponsored by RSM, Infosys, Millicom, BP Target Neutral and supported by UKTI, is an independent awards programme designed to recognise and promote excellence, best practice and innovation in the European business community, in line with the broad aims of the European Union and business representative groups across all European nations.

Further info

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) works to encourage the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice and to work with UK-based businesses to ensure their success in international markets. It has three main aims:

  • Deliver measurable improvement in the business performance of UK Trade & Investment’s international trade customers, with an emphasis on innovative and R&D active firms.
  • Increase the contribution of foreign direct investment to knowledge intensive economic activity in the UK, including R&D.
  • Deliver a measurable improvement in the reputation of the UK in leading overseas markets as the international business partner of choice.


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Published 27 May 2014