World news story

Funding opportunities for research networking projects

AHRC-ICHR joint call for proposals for research networking on cultural heritage and rapid urbanisation in India.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Following a successful UK-India scoping workshop held in March 2015 in New Delhi, the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) jointly invite proposals for collaborative research networking projects on Cultural Heritage and Rapid Urbanisation in India.

The aim of this call is to allow researchers in the UK and India to build networks and partnerships that will explore and develop key issues discussed at the workshop. This call shall build on the combined strengths of academic and non-academic communities and lead to the development of longer-term collaborative research projects between researchers in the UK and India.

Proposals must address one of the following five themes:

  • Urbanisation and History
  • Public Spaces and Urban Planning
  • Digitisation of Heritage and Urban Processes
  • Architectural History and the Conservation of Built Heritage
  • Urbanisation and Intangible Heritage

The research relationship between AHRC and ICHR is facilitated by RCUK India and has grown fast since October 2014 when the two agencies signed a Memorandum of Understanding and soon thereafter successfully delivered their first joint workshop in March 2015. The workshop report.

AHRC have committed up to £30,000-£45,000 per project with matched resources from ICHR. It is expected that 4-5 awards will be made under this call.

UK awards will be funded through the Newton-Bhabha Fund – a five year programme that aims to strengthen research and innovation partnerships between the UK and emerging knowledge economies.


21 July 2015 – launch of call

22 September 2015 (1600hrs BST) – deadline for joint applications

Late October 2015 – assessment panel meeting

November 2015 – outcomes announced

1 December 2015–1 February 2016 – projects to start



  • Gemma Evans, International Portfolio Manager, AHRC

  • Dylan Law, Strategy & Development Manager, AHRC


Further information

Details for the call proposals

Updates to this page

Published 23 July 2015