World news story

Embedding EU expertise in Macedonia

British Embassy supports a project on integrating EU expertise into Macedonian society.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
EU expertise in Macedonia event

Promotion of the network of EU experts in Macedonia.

EU integration concerns overall civil society and therefore requires responsibility and expertise in how it can best be supported. Macedonia has an abundance of such expertise which can be a powerful driving force for Macedonia’s eventual accession to the EU. This was a key conclusion from a new EU experts network in Macedonia which comes as a result of a British Embassy supported project. The network of experts was officially promoted by our Ambassador Christopher Yvon and Fatmir Besimi, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs in the Macedonian government.

Speaking at the event the ambassador said:

The EU integration process requires engagement by civil society in its broadest sense. The sharing of knowledge and expertise, together with a firm and consistent demonstration of civic responsibility, can be a common good and a powerful resource for Macedonia.

The British Embassy supported project runs in the first half of 2013 under the title “Embedding EU expertise” and is being implemented by the European Policy Institute in Macedonia. The project includes gathering EU experts who have studied abroad under different scholarship programmes in the areas of EU policies. The project has so far resulted in the creation of a network of experts who are developing and sharing pools of expertise in such areas as the Open Government Partnership, renewable energy and reform of public services.

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Published 25 April 2013