World news story

E-learning for civil servants in Macedonia promoted

British Embassy launches e-learning for the Macedonian public administration tailored within British project assistance.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Launch of e-learning modules for the Macedonian civil service.

Ambassador Yvon and Minister Ivanovski at the presentation of the e-learning modules for the Macedonian civil service. (Photo credit:MIA)

On 3 September, as part of UK project support for public administration reforms in Macedonia, Ambassador Christopher Yvon and Ivo Ivanovski, Minister of Information Society and Administration, jointly launched new e-learning modules for the Macedonian civil service.

Speaking at the presentation Ambassador Yvon said:

E-learning is an innovative supplement to other training, coaching and mentoring, adding value to the overall mosaic of learning and development for civil servants. The benefits include that it offers tremendous flexibility and can be made widely accessible. In the UK, the civil service has been using e-learning as one tool in the drive to achieve continual improvement in public service provision. I hope that civil servants in Macedonia will embrace and benefit from the value of e-learning and that customers will see the improvements which it can help deliver.

The newly launched e-learning modules will be fully in use by the Macedonian administration by the end of 2013. They include areas such as strategic thinking, change management, problem solving and customer service.

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Published 3 September 2013