World news story

Ambassadorial statement after meeting Ali Ahmeti in Skopje

Statement by ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, UK, US and EU after meeting leader of Democratic Union for Integration Ali Ahmeti.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Italian ambassador Bellelli reading the statement on behalf of the Ambassadors. [photo credit: MIA]

Italian ambassador Bellelli reading the statement on behalf of the Ambassadors. [photo credit: MIA]

On behalf of Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union

We have welcomed the constructive role that DUI played over the weekend, including through the National Security Council. We hope that DUI will continue in the same constructive way to work with all parties and institutions.

As a member of the coalition, DUI shares responsibility for advancing democratic values and principles. The party therefore has an obligation to help build up the country’s institutions and to ensure that wrongdoings revealed in the disclosures are fully investigated in a transparent and credible way.

Now more than ever, we hope that DUI will take a stand and use its influence for the good and for the future of all Macedonia’s citizens.

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Published 13 May 2015