Official Statistics

Statistical Bulletin Indicator 26 A Respect Index for Northern Ireland (as measured by Everyday Discrimination Scale)

Statistical bulletin reporting on one of the population indicators that informs Outcome 7 (We have a safe community where we respect the law, and each other) and Outcome 9 (We are a shared, welcoming and confident society that respects diversity) of the Outcomes Delivery Plan 2018 to 2019


Statistical Bulletin Indicator 26 A Respect Index for Northern Ireland (as measured by Everyday Discrimination Scale)


Each year, the Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey takes a snapshot of the attitudes and beliefs of adults in Northern Ireland to a range of societal issues including housing, identity, sports, and community relations. The issues covered within the survey differ each year depending on interest, however a respect module is included annually.

The respect module includes a set of nine questions known as the Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS). This measures perception of discrimination experienced by individuals in their daily lives. Responses are used to report proportions of the population who ‘feel respected’ and ‘do not feel respected’.

Published 28 March 2019