
VAPC Yorkshire and Humber: Zoom meeting minutes 26 November 2020

Updated 6 November 2023


  • Alex Baxter (Chair)
  • Lt Col (Rtd) Alan Skidmore (Vice Chair)
  • John Topping (Secretary)
  • Maj (retired) Duncan Bell
  • Rick Short
  • Dr. Iain Burnside
  • Lt Col (retired) Terry Reilly RA
  • Maj Adrian Hunt
  • Ms Helen Singleton
  • Gary Collins


  • Tim Cole
  • Andrew Palmer
  • Alex Bentley
  • Capt Peter Mason
  • Craig Gadd
  • Sqn Ldr (retired) Mike Chambers MBE


  • Kate McCullough
  • Norman Turnbull



General Items

Introduction, apologies, minutes of the last meeting/matters arising

The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting. The Secretary gave apologies, and these are noted.

The minutes of the last meeting, which had been circulated beforehand, were confirmed, and agreed.

There were no matters arising not covered by today’s Agenda.

Recruiting and membership

Y & H VAPC have 9 potential new members after the recent recruiting drive. The interviews will take place from the 2nd week in December.


Members External Events; Quarterly Newsletter Items.

Due to COVID-19 no current action under this heading.

VAPC Regional Chairs Meeting with Minister - Report

The Chairman provided a detailed report of the recent meetings of Chairs and with the Minister. He stated that the Minister was incredibly encouraging siting several positive successes within the Veterans landscape including the establishment of the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) working cross-government from the Cabinet Office.

He believed VAPC’s offer unique and direct insight to the veteran’s landscape offering a Regional footprint across the whole of UK which would prove valuable in working with other organisation who may not have this local networking arrangement.

Some work will be required to formalise this and VAPC’s have been asked to submit proposals before Christmas break with the intention of developing the remit quickly (probably before the 100th anniversary of WP/VAPS’s July 2021). Minister Mercer has expressed an interest in visiting the region to see some of the successful projects that we have instigated and supporting.

Action Point:

The Chairman will keep members updated with any new significant developments and contact the Minister’s office to extend this invitation.

Professor Leech is leading a project concerning veteran friendly hospitals and GP links.


Provided a full briefing (paper was provided to all members). They were similarly interested in developing links with VAPC’s particularly in respect of our regional network.

An update on specific OVA matters was provided to Chairs Meeting by Damien Paterson (OVA) setting out their development roadmap and successes during the 1st year of its establishment.

The Local Government Association (LGA)

The Chairman is the Chairs group link with the LGA policy division and the VAPC Chairmen. Particular workstreams are underway with respect to a covenant survey and pilot’s with other LA’s to understand how local data is collected and processed for the veteran’s community.

Action Point The Chairman to report on the developments in due course.

NHS Medical Support

Professor John Leech – undertaking a programme raising veterans’ awareness.

Veterans aware hospitals. Establishing communication links between these hospitals seen as crucial. There was a network of Veteran friendly GP practices but his impression was that there was little communication and inter-working. He had started to liaise with the local Clinical Commissioning Group and GP practices just prior to lockdowns.

Action Point It was agreed that Dr. Iain Burnside would explore channels and establish contacts.

GP Services and Data recording – update

There is a Col Carl Myers at Oswestry who is dealing with veterans.

Dr Iain Burnside - Report

Iain provided members with a detailed report on his recent meeting on the 2nd November chaired by Professor Alan Finnigan. This was the meeting of all available physical and mental health experts from each of the VAPC’s. Although originally targeting just physical health it had been agreed that mental and dental health should be included as well. They have a direct link with the Chair of Chairs. It is at a strategic level not tactical.

Concern was expressed over PTSD diagnosis for veterans and who can make this diagnosis. Iain is already able, and the criteria is very clear and strict, but more experts need to be available.

Professor Neil Greenburg, an expert in PTSD was at the meeting and highlighted how difficult it is to make a diagnosis but must be specific. The need to identify the hidden victims and not the ‘gold brickers’ is paramount.

Duncan Bell provided background to this problem with his experiences with veterans he is dealing with

Developing Collaboration in our Region

Local Authority

It was identified that there were a number of good examples, but best practice was not currently being promulgated throughout the local authority network which has been recognised.

DWP progression

Face to face interviews are currently not taking place due to the COVID situation.

Support to Veterans and Early service Leavers – Q & A by Kate McCullough

A Power Point presentation of The Defence Transition Service (DTS) had been distributed beforehand.

Kate explained that their intervention could start up to two years prior to a soldier’s discharge

Kate was asked about the Quality Control function of her organisation with respect to the overview of regional activity. It was suggested that VAPC’s may be able to assist in similar manner to the work currently done with VWS. There is none in place now, but she was interested if one might be developed.


VAPC 5-year development plan

Due to lack of time this was deferred to a later meeting.

Veterans Communications Strategy

This was also deferred to a later meeting due to virtual meeting time constraints.

VWS Monitoring & Welfare Items

Norman Turnbull – Details of a VWS Welfare Officer and their duties

Norman provided a detailed briefing as to the work undertaken and took questions from members.

Any Other Business

None taken

Next Meetings

Next full scheduled meeting observing COVID-19 regulation on safe distancing etc. will be scheduled once the situation becomes known.

Provisionally a meeting has been booked for the 17 February at St Wilfrid’s Community Centre, Ripon, HG4 2AB. As said this is dependant on the COVID situation otherwise a Zoom meeting will be arranged.