
VAPC Yorkshire and Humber: Zoom meeting minutes 17 June 2020

Updated 2 July 2024


Online Zoom meeting

Date: 17 June 2020


Alex Baxter (Chair)

John Topping (Secretary)

Maj (Rtd) Duncan Bell

Ms Helen Singleton

Rick Short

Dr. Iain Burnside

Gary Collins

Andrew Palmer

Capt Peter Mason

Tim Cole

Alex Bentley

Lt Col Terry Reilly RA

Adrian Hunt


Jonathan Treen

Lt Col (Rtd) Alan Skidmore (Vice Chair)

Steve Griffiths

Mike Chambers

Craig Gadd

Observer or Guest:




General items

Introductions, apologies, minutes of last meeting, matters arising.

The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting. The Secretary give apologies, and these are noted.

The Chairman reminded everyone that the meeting would last 40 minutes due to the free time allowed.

The minutes of the last meeting, which had been circulated beforehand, were confirmed, and agreed.

There were no matters arising not covered by today’s Agenda.

Recruiting and membership

The following members were appointed as sub-group chairs.

  • governance: Helen Singleton.

  • welfare: Duncan Bell

  • health: Dr Iain Burnside

  • veterans agency engagement: Jonathan Treen.

  • Lt Col (RTD) Alan Skidmore was proposed as Chair for the Communications and engagement sub-group. It was carried unanimously.

Norcross had confirmed that there would be a further recruiting drive this year and details had been circulated to members. Co-opted members are encouraged to apply for full membership and details will be circulated when the recruitment process commences.


Members external events; quarterly newsletter items.

Defence Transition Service. Due to the Covid 19 situation all face to face meeting s had been put on hold. It was agreed to invite Kate McCullough to our next meeting which will be at Cleethorpes once the restrictions had been lifted.

Action point: secretary to contact DTS and invite Kate to our next meeting at Cleethorpes.

Note: It is considered important this invitation is not downgraded to regional representative level which should be ‘emphasised’ when invitation is extended to Kate.

The Chairman briefed members as to the situation concerning representation with the Local Government Association (LGA). He was confirmed by Chairs Groups as the lead member for VAPC’s. Engagement strategy and roadmap with narrative will be issued to Y&H members for information comment as appropriate

Action point: chairman will provide a full briefing for members through secretary.

Chair conference

The Chairman provided a full briefed on Chairs Group meeting of 16 June and updated members about various items. A full information bundle will be forwarded through the secretary for comment and information.

NHS medical support

GP services and data recording update

Non available for this meeting.

Action point: all members to continue to monitor the situation.

Mental health services update

Dr Iain Burnside provided a comprehensive update of the current Covid-19 impact and operational situation.

Update from Duncan Bell with regards Medical Board assessments and effects on veterans

Iain provided the members with a comprehensive view on the present situation. He presented a number of examples of the ‘catch 22’ situation with some veterans and their application for pensions.

Update from Duncan Bell with regards to the medical board assessments and effects on veterans

Duncan updated members with regards a case that had been passed to this region form East Midlands and ongoing active cases with Vets Agency. NB: Some concern over delays was highlighted although briefing included operational impact of Covid on Vets Agency delivery arm. This is fully understood and will be reviewed at next scheduled meeting.

Developing collaboration in our region

Local authority

Due to the Covid 19 situation all activity has been on a much-reduced scale although ‘virtual’ meetings are being held and information flow continues. Although, It is felt this will improve as circumstances permit.

DWP progression

Update awaited. It is to the credit of DWP local offices that business continues (with a slightly different business model).

Support to veterans and early service leavers

The Defence Transition Service (DTS) had been discussed earlier and would be invited to the next real meeting of the VAPC as current pandemic is affecting the way these services are delivered. Members are looking forward to full briefing when circumstances permit.


VAPC centenary (19 August 2021)

The Secretary briefed members that this had now become a local event. The London VAPC was no longer leading matters for this event due to responsibility being at a local level. Further information will be available at next scheduled Chairs meeting in approximately 6 weeks.

Management plan: develop strategy 2018 to 2022

It was agreed that the next meeting at Cleethorpes to incorporate a visit to the veterans’ facilities there and the meeting to concentrate on the further development of Y&H strategy for the next 3 years.

Veterans gateway: update and awareness

Obviously, due to the Covid 19 situation activity had been drastically reduced. We are informed that this is now being improved as technological awareness by service information providers gains momentum.

Veterans strategy: update

A paper would be circulated by the Chairman shortly.

Action point: Once the Chairman had produced the brief it would be circulated amongst members as an internal document bundle.

VWS monitoring and welfare items

Jonathon was unable to attend the Zoom meeting, but a report would be available for the next meeting.

Action point: Jonathan Treen.

Any other business

Duncan Bell express his concerns about the plethora of charitable agencies purporting to assist veterans. It was not possible to gauge how effective these organisations were.

He also noted the lack of activity at Stanford Hall, Loughborough were, now, veterans are excluded from being treated. Lt Col Terry Reilly agreed to contact them to ascertain what the present situation was.

Gary Collins asked about the training courses. The Chairman will forward more information following this meeting.

Next Meetings

Zoom Meeting 29 July and the next full scheduled meeting (Covid-19 relaxation of assembly when permitted) but is planned for Wednesday 14 October 2020 at Cleethorpes.