Our governance

The main decision-making, executive and managerial bodies for the UK Space Agency.

The UK Space Agency has an Executive Committee, Delivery Board, Board and Audit Committee to manage and advise on activities.

The UK Space Agency Framework Document sets out the broad governance framework within which the UK Space Agency and DSIT operate. It sets out the UK Space Agency’s core responsibilities and describes the overall governance, financial and accountability framework.

Executive Committee

The purpose of the Executive Committee is to provide strategic leadership of the UK Space Agency through effective and timely decisions on UK Space Agency strategic and corporate matters.

Executive Committee members

  • Paul Bate, CEO (Chair)
  • Annelies Look, Deputy CEO
  • Chris White-Horne, Deputy CEO
  • Claire Barcham, Corporate Services Director
  • Craig Brown, Director of Investment
  • Edmund Knollys, Director of People and Culture
  • Anu Ojha, Director of Championing Space
  • Sarah-Jane Gill, Chief of Staff (standing attendee)
  • Harshbir Sangha (standing attendee as Diversity and Inclusion sponsor)
  • Evan Haselwood, Finance Director

Delivery Board

The purpose of the Delivery Board is to manage and prioritise the Agency’s portfolio of activities and assure its successful delivery. It will focus on delivery of the priorities in the Corporate Plan and the associated milestones, metrics, and benefits.

Delivery Board members

  • Annelies Look, Deputy CEO (Chair)
  • Chris White-Horne, Deputy CEO (Chair)
  • Paul Bate, CEO
  • Matt Archer, Missions and Capabilities Director for Launch
  • Harshbir Sangha, Missions and Capabilities Delivery Director for Earth Observation and Low-Earth Orbit Assets
  • Julie Black, Missions and Capabilities Delivery Director for Discovery and Sustainability
  • Craig Brown, Director of Investment
  • Anu Ojha, Director of Championing Space
  • Claire Barcham, Corporate Services Director
  • Evan Haselwood, Finance Director
  • Edmund Knollys, Director of People and Culture
  • Andrew Ratcliffe, Chief Engineer

UK Space Agency Board

The Board does not hold a decision-making, executive function.

Its role is to provide strategic advice to the Agency and Sponsor Department, as to whether the Agency is equipped to perform its functions and deliver its strategy, including having sufficient resource and a suitable operating model.

The Board has specific responsibility for agreeing an Annual Business Plan, key performance indicators, annual budget and accounts and must publish an annual report of the Agency’s activities together with its audited accounts after the end of each financial year. Endorsement of the Annual Report and Accounts is delegated to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

UK Space Agency Board: Terms of reference (ODT, 99.1 KB)

Summary of UK Space Agency Board Meetings (ODT, 19 KB)

Board members

  • Lord David Willetts, Non-Executive Member and Chair
  • Paul Bate, CEO, UK Space Agency
  • Peter Watkins, Non-Executive Member
  • Kevin Shaw, Non-Executive Member
  • Fiona Rayment, Non-Executive Member
  • David Parker, Non-Executive Member
  • Stuart Martin, Non-Executive Member
  • Rebecca Evernden, Director of Space Directorate, DSIT
  • Evan Haselwood, Finance Director

Board attendees

  • Annelies Look, Deputy CEO
  • Chris White-Horne, Deputy CEO
  • Edmund Knollys, Director of People and Culture
  • Craig Brown, Director of Investment
  • Anu Ojha, Director of Championing Space
  • Claire Barcham, Corporate Services Director
  • Olu Mohammed, Assistant Director of Finance
  • Sarah-Jane Gill, Chief of Staff

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee is an advisory body to the UK Space Agency Board with no executive powers. It ensures the use of public money is monitored appropriately, according to National Audit Office guidelines. The Committee supports the Chief Executive in their role as Accounting Officer.

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee members

  • Kevin Shaw, Non-Executive Member and Acting Chair
  • Peter Watkins, Non-Executive Member and Acting Member

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee attendees

  • Paul Bate, CEO
  • Annelies Look, Deputy CEO
  • Chris White-Horne, Deputy CEO
  • Department for Science, Innovation and Technology sponsor team representative
  • National Audit Office representatives
  • Government Internal Audit Agency representative
  • Lord David Willetts, NEM (invitee)
  • Matthew Archer, SIRO and Director of Launch
  • Evan Haselwood, Finance Director