Corporate report

Stakeholder survey report and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Results of the 2020 SSRO stakeholder survey, and our refreshed Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, informed by feedback from the survey.


Stakeholder survey report

Stakeholder engagement strategy


Stakeholder survey

The SSRO completed its second stakeholder survey in spring 2020, measuring the effectiveness of our stakeholder engagement and providing insight into how this can be further developed and improved. We have published the report by Opinion Research Services setting out the findings of the survey. An Executive Summary can be found on pages 6 to 9 of the report.

The survey results were generally positive, with 91 per cent of respondents believing the SSRO has engaged with them well over the past year and 89 per cent of respondents rating the SSRO’s overall performance as good or very good. Respondents also agreed we are demonstrating our values, finding us independent (94 per cent), open and transparent (90 per cent), and authoritative (85 per cent).

We have identified areas for improvement from the survey. 60 per cent of respondents who have participated in consultation by the SSRO were satisfied with the consultation process and respondents raised the following issues:

  • Consultations sometimes take place at inconvenient times of the year (i.e. summertime and December).
  • More could be done to notify respondents in advance when a consultation would be taking place.
  • There was a large number of consultations, which may not all be necessary.

We want to see satisfaction with our consultation increase. To address the issues raised, we will more effectively target when and on what we consult, for example by updating reporting guidance based on direct feedback from stakeholders at existing forums. We will avoid consultation during the summer and over Christmas, and we will write to stakeholders to outline our engagement plans for the year ahead (as we did in 2019), identifying timescales for planned consultation.

Stakeholders commented on the extent of expertise available to the SSRO. This is a matter we are exploring, as indicated in the SSRO Corporate Plan 2020-2023.

We received feedback on our guidance documents, for example about the use of examples, and on the ease of use of our Defence Contracts Analysis and Reporting System (DefCARS). We will draw on the survey feedback in our work on guidance and DefCARS, including our consideration of the future of DefCARS.

Stakeholder engagement strategy

The SSRO is continuously seeking to improve how it undertakes engagement.

Informed by the stakeholder survey, the SSRO Board approved a revised stakeholder engagement strategy on 26 June 2020.

The strategy identifies five priorities for engagement by the SSRO. It makes clear that engagement is targeted to support delivery of the SSRO’s corporate plan and statutory functions.

The strategy details:

  • The principles that shape, guide and underpin the SSRO’s engagement.
  • Key messages about the SSRO’s role and the regulatory framework.
  • A map of the SSRO’s stakeholders.
  • Our approach to engagement and the different mechanisms we use.
  • Engagement priorities for the SSRO, which include addressing issues highlighted in the stakeholder survey.
Published 27 July 2020