Corporate report

SSRO Data Strategy

Our data strategy sets out why data is important to us and our stakeholders, our approach to delivering our vision for data and, and our plan for implementation.


SSRO Data Strategy


This data strategy follows a consultation published in February 2019. We received consultation responses from six organisations representing the views of major contractors and a trade organisation. We held a workshop to discuss our proposals on 13 March.

In finalising our strategy we have reflected on the input provided by stakeholders in their responses. We have published the non-confidential submissions in full on our website and a separate document which provides a summary of the points raised by stakeholders.

Our data strategy sets out why data is important to us and our stakeholders, our approach to delivering our vision for data and our plan for implementation. The strategy signals our commitment to data quality and the importance of engagement with industry and MOD to deliver our vision.

We will review the strategy at appropriate intervals so it adapts to new developments and learning.

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Published 8 July 2019

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