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Response magazine: Issue 2

'Response' highlights the UK's role in disaster recovery and humanitarian aid, showing how aid organisations and industry work together.

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Response magazine: Issue 2 (November 2015)


Response magazine is produced on behalf of UK Trade and Investment Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI DSO), and covers:

  • UK’s role and response in disaster preparedness, relief and recovery
  • delivery of humanitarian aid
  • securing sustainable development
  • how British aid organisations and industry work with international aid agencies and partners to help transform the way aid is delivered post-disaster

‘Response’ also profiles British companies that are in the vanguard of developing innovative, sustainable solutions relevant to the aid market. These include products and private sector initiatives designed to:

  • improve delivery of clean water resources during and after an emergency
  • tackle disease
  • address the threats posed by landmines and UXO
  • provide appropriate shelter
  • secure greater cooperation between the public and private sectors in terms of understanding future requirements

The publication will be available at British Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates, and will be available at relevant events.

Copies are also sent worldwide, to:

  • UN agencies
  • Red Cross / Red Crescent
  • International Financial Institutions
  • development banks
  • non-governmental organization
  • governmental and peacekeeping agencies
  • charitable organisations

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Published 24 November 2015

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