Pay review bodies: fees, travel and subsistence
A guide to claiming fees and travel and subsistence allowances for members of pay review bodies, including forms.
- From:
- Office of Manpower Economics
- Published
- 7 August 2013
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Review body members’ guide to claiming fees and travel and subsistence allowances
MS Word Document, 73.5 KB
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Disclaimer on members claiming back tax on travel and subsitence
MS Word Document, 27.5 KB
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Letter to members (both statutory and non-statutory) on tax treatment of fees and travel and subsistence
MS Word Document, 34 KB
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Fees claim form
MS Word Document, 35.5 KB
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Claim form for travel to Victoria House
MS Word Document, 83.5 KB
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Claim forms other than to Victoria House
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UK claim form for travel to Kingsgate House
MS Word Document, 82.5 KB
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UK claim form for travel other than to Kingsgate House
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Overseas claim form
MS Word Document, 95.5 KB
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Personal details notification to AMEY form
MS Word Document, 30.5 KB
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This guide summarises the rules covering members’ claims for fees, travel and subsistence allowances when traveling on review body business (or ‘official travel’).