
Nottingham City Council Improvement and Assurance Board: ministerial response to the board’s third and fourth reports

Correspondence from the Minister for Local Government to Sir Tony Redmond, Chair of the Nottingham City Council Improvement and Assurance Board, following the board’s third and fourth reports to the Secretary of State; this sets out the Secretary of State’s ‘minded to’ decision to appoint Commissioners in Nottingham City Council.

Applies to England



​​​​​​Correspondence from Simon Hoare MP, Minister for Local Government, to Sir Tony Redmond, Chair of the Nottingham City Council Improvement and Assurance Board, responding to the board’s third and fourth report, and detailing the Secretary of State’s ‘minded to’ decision to appoint commissioners to the council under section 15(5) and (6) of the Local Government Act 1999, subject to representations received.

Published 13 December 2023