
NWP at a Glance (Accessible Version)

Updated 24 November 2021

1. Our vision for radioactive waste management

By 2030, our shared vision is that radioactive waste management will involve:

  • Right waste management routes available at the right time for all wastes.
  • Diverse, sustainable and reliable infrastructure available.
  • Good decision making informed by good quality information that takes account hazard, risk and the environment.
  • The right culture, skills and expertise for waste management is available.
  • Streamlined and effective processes.

2. What benefits will the National Waste Programme deliver?

The National Waste Programme will deliver the following benefits by 2030:

  • Extend the life of the LLWR to 2130.
  • Improve speed and efficiency of waste flow to help deliver operations and decommissioning.
  • Extend the range and degree of engagement of all relevant stakeholders in LLW management.
  • Play our part to deliver environmental sustainability and act against climate change.
  • Extend and improve application of the Waste Hierarchy.

3. How are we delivering this vision in the UK?

A system of different organisations work together to deliver the National Waste Programme. Waste producers retrieve wastes, pre-treat these wastes (through size reduction, decontamination and sorting/segregation), package them and then route them for onward management. LLW Repository Ltd Waste Management Services play a role to provide easy access to suppliers for LLW treatment and disposal; which is used by many waste producers. Suppliers, including LLW Repository Ltd, provide infrastructure and services that treat and dispose of Low Level Waste. The National Waste Programme Office works with all these organisations, and others, to lead the implementation of the UK Low Level Waste Strategy for the nuclear industry and to support the sharing of learning and good practice across the UK.

4. How does the NWP support delivery of the vision?

The National Waste Programme delivers a range of activities to support delivery of its mission:

  • Sharing of good practice and learning across the UK nuclear industry.
  • Development of tools, resources, guidance, analysis and training on Low Level Waste management.
  • Measurement and reporting of progress, management of risks, management of benefits and ensuring good programme governance.