Corporate report

Board minutes: 12 December 2023

Published 2 April 2024

Minutes of the 51st Board Meeting

Held at 100 Parliament Street, SW1 and via video-conference 12 December 2023 10:00-13:30

Board members present: Others present:
Hannah Nixon (Chair) Alan Brennan
Roy Barker Colin Hill
Peter Freeman Tara Usher (MOD Representative) (for part)
Alastair Groom Mark Preston, Director, DSOP, MOD (for part)
Hugh Kelly Arabella Ellis, Gyre (for part)
John Russell Charly Wason, Head of SSAT, MOD (for part)
Joanne Watts Charlie Dalton (for part)
Claire Williams Ben Gilding (for part)
  Simon Mahony (for part)
  Fiona Massey (for part)
  Sarah Quartermain (for part)
  Peter Regan (for part)
  Colin Sharples (for part)
  Siobhan O’Donoghue (minutes)

1. Private Board discussion

The Chair held a closed session with NEBMs, the Chief Executive and the Chief Regulatory Officer.

2. Welcome, apologies, announcements, and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed Board members and attendees to the meeting, in particular Mark Preston, Director, Directorate of Sponsorship and Organisational Policy (DSOP) and Charly Wason, Head of the Single Source Advisory Team (SSAT).

Arabella Ellis, Gyre, would be observing a later part of the meeting to inform the externally facilitated 2023-24 Board Effectiveness Review.

There were no apologies for absence or declarations of interest.

3. Chair’s introduction

The key agenda items for the Board’s attention were the MOD perspective on the SSRO’s corporate plan and the strategic discussion on data utilisation.

The Board noted the Chair’s introduction.

4. MOD’s perspective on SSRO Corporate Plan

Mark Preston, Director, DSOP, and Charly Wason, Head of SSAT, provided their perspectives on the SSRO’s performance and future strategic priorities.  Areas discussed included the increased and positive engagement with SSRO teams, particularly around the Review of Legislation; the SSRO’s ongoing work to address skills; and guidance, referrals, and pre-referral engagement, as areas of particular interest to the MOD.

On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked the Director, DSOP and Head of the SSAT for finding the time to join the meeting, and for the helpful opportunity to hear direct their views of the SSRO’s work, and the MOD’s steer on areas for future focus.

The Board noted the MOD’s perspective on SSRO’s performance and priorities.

5. Corporate Performance Report (SSRO 01-1223)

The Board discussed the Corporate Performance Report, which summarised performance against the SSRO’s overall strategic priorities, Corporate Plan objectives, and budget to date.  The report also included a summary of key corporate risks.  Performance was positive overall with green or amber RAG ratings across all objectives.  The Board discussion focused on the amber-rated objectives and the activities underpinning these.  The uncertain position around the 2024-25 budget settlement was noted.

The Board noted the Corporate Performance Report.

6. Minutes of 50th meeting held on 26 September 2023 (SSRO 02-1223) and action tracker (SSRO 03-1223)

The minutes of the Board held on 26 September 2023 were approved as a correct record.  All outstanding actions had been completed.

The Board approved the minutes of the 50th SSRO Board meeting held on 26 September 2023 as a correct record.

7. Chief Executive’s Report (SSRO 04-1223)

The Chief Executive presented his regular report covering recent activities, future priorities, and key issues not covered elsewhere on the agenda.  The report also summarised recent publications and stakeholder engagement, including the positive feedback on the SSRO at recent meetings with MOD and industry, and the universal praise for the SSRO’s Helpdesk team.

The Chief Executive highlighted a programme of work to identify efficiencies, and it was noted that the Board Effectiveness Review findings, due in early 2024, would inform a review of corporate governance structures.  The Board also approved proposed amendments to the Corporate Governance Framework, following the annual review of key governance documents.  ACTION:  Chief Executive

There would be an opportunity to explore in more detail the broad range of risks and opportunities covered in the report at the March 2024 meeting.  ACTION:  Chief Executive

The Board:

  • noted the Chief Executive’s Report; and
  • agreed the proposed changes to the Corporate Governance Framework.

8. Strategic discussion: data utilisation (SSRO 05-1123)

The discussion included a demonstration using live commercial data and external observers left the meeting for the duration of this item.

The Head of Analysis and Data Platform and team members provided an overview of the SSRO’s data utilisation work, including activity to date, recent developments and milestones, current challenges and opportunities, future ambition, and immediate priorities.  The presentation included a demonstration using live DefCARS data, highlighting the capabilities and potential of the Power BI functionality.

The Board welcomed the overview and update.  Members encouraged the SSRO team to continue pursuing engagement at senior MOD level to promote the system’s capabilities, including offering similar Power BI demonstrations. ACTION: Chief Executive / Chief Regulatory Officer / Head of Analysis and Data Platform

The Board noted the presentation on data utilisation.

9. SSRO Financial Planning (SSRO 05-1223)

There had not yet been a formal response to the SSRO’s draft 2024-25 budget, submitted in October 2023.  Since that time, messaging around the challenging operating environment had become clearer, with fiscal restraint and efficiencies being sought across MOD.  A range of scenarios had been modelled and the SSRO continued to identify and implement efficiencies across workstreams and processes.  The Board also noted the latest forecast outturn against the 2023-24 budget.

The Board:

  • noted the current position in relation to the 2024-25 budget; and
  • noted the current 2023-24 forecast outturn was in line with the budget.

10. Workforce Strategy (SSRO 07-1223)

The Board welcomed the SSRO’s final Workforce Strategy, which sought to ensure that the organisation had the right people with the right skills.  The Strategy would remain a working document, subject to regular reviews and refresh as appropriate.

A small number of drafting points and other comments were made, including the suggestion that a specific objective reflecting Section One of the Strategy (‘prepare and plan for the future’) be added.  ACTION:  Chief Regulatory Officer / Human Resources Manager

Subject to final amendments (to be signed-off by the Chief Executive) the final Strategy would be shared with the Head of SSAT and published internally.

Subject to final comments and points reflected above, the Board approved formal issue of the Workforce Strategy.

11. Sub-committee minutes and updates

The Chairs of the sub-committees presented the final minutes, reports and oral updates from recent meetings.

The Board noted that Alastair Groom was standing down as Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee at the end of December 2023.  On behalf of the Board, the Chair expressed thanks to Alastair for his contribution to the committee.  Hugh Kelly would take on the role of Chair from 1 January 2024.

The Board noted the:

  • minutes of the 26 September, 31 October and 22 November Regulatory Committee meetings;
  • minutes of the 14 September 2023 and report of the 28 November 2023 Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meetings;
  • minutes of the 18 September 2023 People Committee meeting; and
  • oral updates from the most recent meetings.

12. Future workplan (SSRO 11-1223), reflections on meeting and any other business

The Board reflected on the business considered at the meeting and noted the summary of future Board and sub-committee meeting business.

13. Any other business

The 24 January 2024 Board meeting had been cancelled.  Board members should continue to hold the date/time for a workshop to discuss the findings of the 2023-24 Board Effectiveness Review.

14. Next Board meeting

The next meeting of the Board would take place on 26 March 2024 at 10:00am.

Siobhan O’Donoghue
December 2023