
AGO’s Twitter policy

Updated 22 October 2013

This guidance was withdrawn on

Under review

The @AGO_UK Twitter account is managed by the AGO press office.

We don’t use any automation (such as tools which generate tweets from RSS feeds) to post content on Twitter.

If you follow us, you can expect tweets covering the following:

  • alerts about news, publications, ministerial speeches etc.
  • information from our ministerial team about what they’re doing

We don’t provide legal advice to the public or engage on issues of party politics.

0.1 Following

We don’t automatically follow back new followers. Due to resources, we infrequently review our follower list and follow back accounts that aren’t spam. Being followed back or re-tweeted does not imply endorsement of any kind.

0.2 Availability

We will update and monitor our Twitter account during office hours, Monday to Friday. Twitter may occasionally be unavailable and AGO accepts no responsibility for lack of service due to Twitter downtime. We will only occasionally respond to tweets.

0.3 Contacting the AGO

The best general contact for all AGO matters is

We don’t recommend that Twitter is used as a method of submitting Freedom of Information requests.

We can’t accept Unduly Lenient Sentence referrals via Twitter. See how to complain about a low Crown Court sentence