Electricity Market Reform (EMR): Contracts for Difference Expert Group

This is 1 of 3 expert groups that test and improve policy proposals. They comprise industry experts and DECC policy team members.

Role of the group

DECC has established 3 Electricity Market Reform (EMR) expert groups to play an important role in testing and improving policy proposals:

  • Capacity Market Expert Group
  • Contracts for Difference Expert Group
  • Institutional Framework Expert Group

The expert groups include industry experts, as well as DECC policy team members, and complement other forms of stakeholder engagement. To assist with the development of CfD metering policy, an “Expert sub-group on metering” has also been created.

Terms of reference

Terms of reference (PDF, 148KB, 2 pages)

Auction design workshop: 24 February 2014

Following the publication of the 12 February auction design policy update letter, DECC held a workshop on 24 February, which was attended by members of the CfD expert group, along with other interested stakeholders.

DECC officials presented developments in thinking on a number of areas, including auction payment rules, incentives for contract signature and reaching SFC, auction clearing mechanics, bidder flexibility and tie-breaker rules. There were also breakout and question and answer sessions where participants had the opportunity to discuss the issues in detail.

The following slides were presented on the day, albeit that they have been updated for clarity. The content is intended to form the basis of discussion around policy issues which are currently under consideration, and should not be taken as Government policy or policy intent.

Market reference prices

Market reference prices slides (PDF, 234KB, 33 pages)

These slides were used to explore outstanding issues on the CfD Market Reference Price with stakeholders at a workshop on 27 September. Following input received at that event, we are now in the process of developing a position to reflect the conclusions reached. We are therefore no longer seeking feedback on the questions posed in the slides. However, once drafting is developed by late October, the proposals will be tested again with stakeholders. Papers from the Expert Group will continue to be posted on this webpage when available.

Meetings and papers

Contact details
